Helen Plumb, an internationally recognised gemmologist, is delighted to explain about the fascinating world of gemstones. A true gemstone enthusiast, Helen is keen to promote the importance of education amongst jewellers and their customers. She regularly speaks to audiences large or small on many aspects of gemstones. Most recently she has introduced minerals and gemstones to school children; talked about synthetic and treated diamonds to The Cavalry and Guards Club; demonstrated the amazing array of coloured gemstones to the Bank of Scotland Private Banking clients; and spoken to the Travelling Surgical Society about how to buy jewellery abroad. She also participates in fund-raising events for local charities, donating her time as an after dinner speaker. She likes to make the subject of gemmology accessible to an unscientific audience.
Graduating with a First in Geological Sciences from the University of Durham in 1985, she has been enthralled by the beauty and complexity of diamonds and coloured gemstones for many years. In 1989 she was awarded the Tully Medal, graduating as the highest achieving student in the Gemmological Association and Gem Testing Laboratory of Great Britain’s (Gem-A) international diploma examinations. After gaining a Fellowship Diploma (FGA) and Diamond Diploma (DGA), both with distinction, she went on to become an examiner for Gem-A, assessing jewellers, valuers, curators, auctioneers and other professionals on their ability to identify natural, treated, simulated and synthetic gemstones. She was recently elected a Fellow of the Geological Society of London (FGS).